English Grammar में Active and Passive Voice in Hindi का महत्व सबसे अधिक है क्योंकि इससे class 10 और class 12 एग्जाम में प्रश्न पूछा जाता है. अंग्रेजी बोलने, पढ़ने और लिखने के लिए भी इसका प्रयोग सर्वाधिक होता है. इसलिए, बोर्ड एग्जाम एवं प्रतियोगिता एग्जाम की तैयारी कर रहे विद्यार्थियों के लिए Active से Passive Voice बनाने के नियम का अध्ययन आवश्यक है.
यह दैनिक दिनचर्या में प्रयोग होने वाले अंग्रेजी में बोला जाता है. Active Voice and Passive Voice in Hindi अंग्रेजी के Skills बढ़ाने के साथ-साथ व्यवहारिक दिनचर्या को भी बेहतर बनता है. English विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार Voice अंग्रेजी ग्रामर का एक अहम और महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है जिसकी जानकारी प्रत्येक इंग्लिश प्रेमी को होना अनिवार्य है.
दरअसल, Active Voice and Passive Voice में Rules बहुत है जिसे गिनकर याद करना थोड़ा मुश्किल है. इसलिए, यहाँ ऐसे Rules को उपलब्ध कराया गया है जिसकी आवश्यकता बोर्ड एग्जाम, प्रतियोगिता एग्जाम और दैनिक जीवन में होता है. संक्षिप्त में कहे तो यहाँ वैसे ही Rules उपलब्ध है जिसका प्रयोग होता रहता है.
Active से Passive Voice बनाने का नियम, उदाहरण, Exercise और प्रयोग यहाँ इस प्रकार उपलब्ध है. जो केवल एक बार के अध्ययन मात्र से ही सरलता से समझा, बनाया और याद किया जा सकता है. परीक्षाओं के Syllabus में उपलब्ध Active Voice and Passive Voice के सभी टॉपिक का अध्ययन यहाँ विस्तार से किया जा सकता है, जो स्मरणीय है.
Voice किसे कहते है?
Voice, Verb का वह Form है, जो यह व्यक्त करता है कि Subject स्वयं कुछ करता है, अथवा Subject किसी के द्वारा किए गए कार्य का परिणाम भोगता है. उसे Voice के रूप में परिभाषित किया जाता है.
अर्थात, Subject सामान्यतः किसी कार्य का लिए Directly Responsible होता है या Indirectly Responsible होता है.
English Definition of Voice: Voice is that form of verb which show whether what is denoted by the Subject does something or has something done to it.
दुसरें शब्दों में, Voice क्या है?
किसी वाक्य में Subject या Object के अनुसार Verb के रूप में परिवर्तन को Voice कहा जाता है. अर्थात, Subject वाक्य में कुछ कर रहा होता है या फिर Subject पर कुछ घटित हो रहा होता है.
The change in the form of a verb according to either subject or object of the sentence is called Voice.
Group A | Group B |
I eat bread. | Bread is eaten by me. |
She writes a letter. | A letter is written by her. |
We like tragic films. | Tragic films are liked by us. |
Group A के Sentences में Transitive Verbs – eat, writes और likes से ज्ञात हो रहा है कि इसमें Subject कुछ कर रहा है. जबकि is eaten, is written और are liked से पता चल रहा है कि इसमें Subject कुछ नही कर रहा है. बल्कि Subject को ही कुछ हो रहा है. इसमें Object का महत्व है. अतः ये Voice है.
Note:- केवल और केवल Transitive Verb का ही Passive Voice होता है.
Voice (वाच्य) के प्रकार
अंग्रेजी के जानकार Voice in Hindi को अच्छे से व्यक्त करने के लिए इसे दो भागों में विभक्त किए है.
1. Active Voice (कर्तृवाच्य)
2. Passive Voice (कर्म वाच्य)
क्रिया के रूप पर Voice (वाच्य) का बहुत गहरा प्रभाव पड़ता है. इसलिए, क्रियाओं को बेहतरीन तरीके से समझने के लिए इसे दो भागो में विभाजित किया गया है.
Active Voice किसे कहते है?
किसी Verb को Active Voice में होना कहा जाता है, जब कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु Subject के रूप में कुछ करता है.
Definition: A verb is said to be in the Active Voice when the person or thing denoted by the Subject acts.
दुसरें शब्दों में, Active Voice क्या है?
जब वाक्य में Subject की प्रधानता हो अर्थात Subject के अनुसार Verb का प्रयोग हो, तो वाक्य Active Voice में होना कहा जाता है.
When subject heads the sentence or verb is used according to the subject of the sentence, it is said to be in Active Voice.
I write a letter.
मैं पत्र लिखता हूँ.
He writes a letter.
वह पत्र लिखता है.
I sing a song daily.
मैं रोज गीत गाता हूँ.
दिए गए वाक्यों में I और He Verbs – writes, sing और write का संपादन कर रहे है. अर्थात Subject पत्र लिखने में सक्रीय है. अतः ये Active Voice (एक्टिव वौइस्) में है.
Passive Voice किसे कहते है?
किसी verb को Passive Voice में होना कहा जाता है, जब कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु Subject के रूप में कार्य नही करता है बल्कि किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु द्वारा किए कार्य का परिणाम भोगता है.
Definition: A Verb is said to be in the Passive Voice when the person or thing denoted by the Subject does not act, but suffers the action done by something / someone.
दुसरें शब्दों में, Passive Voice क्या है?
जब वाक्य में Object की प्रधानता हो अर्थात Object के अनुसार Verb का प्रयोग हो, तो वह वाक्य Passive Voice में होना कहा जाता है.
When object heads the sentence or verb is used according to the object of the sentence is said to be in Passive Voice.
A letter is written by me.
पत्र मेरे द्वारा लिखा जाता है.
A book is written by him.
किताब उसके द्वारा लिखा जाता है.
दिए गए उदाहरण में प्रत्र और किताब की प्रधानता है क्योंकि इसमें me और him, direct responsible नही है. इसलिए, यह passive Voice in Hindi में है.
Verb का Passive Voice होता है. इसलिए, यदि Verb Active Voice में हो, तो Sentence भी Active Voice में होगा. और यदि Verb Passive Voice में हो, तो Sentence भी Passive Voice में होगा.
Transitive Verb का Passive Voice होता है. लेकिन Intransitive Verb का नही होता है.
Note:- Active and Passive Voice के अर्थ में अंतर नही होता है. जैसे ऊपर दर्शाया गया है.
Active Voice से Passive Voice बनाने के नियम

दिए गए Diagram की सहायता से Active से Passive Voice में सरलता से बदला जा सकता है. इसके अलावे भी कुछ महत्वपूर्ण Passive Voice Rules in Hindi निचे दिया गया है. जो Voice बनाने में मदद करता है.
Step: 1 | Active Voice के Sentence के Object या Active Object को Passive Voice में Subject की जगल लिखा जाता है. |
Step: 2 | Tense तथा Passive Subject के Number तथा Person के अनुसार Auxiliary Verb का प्रयोग करते है. |
Step: 3 | Main Verb का Past Participle Form यानि M.V3 का प्रयोग करे. |
Step: 4 | Passive Voice के Object के पहले By Preposition का करे. Note: जरुरत के अनुसार by preposition का प्रयोग होता है. कभी-कभी by के बदले at, to, with आदि का भी प्रयोग होता है. |
Step: 5 | अंत में Active Sentence के Subject अर्थात Active Subject को Passive Voice में Object बनाएँ. |
active voice से passive voice बनाने के नियम के रूप में उपयुक्त Rules का प्रयोग अधिक होता है.
ध्यान रहे:
Passive Voice के Object के रूप में one, someone, nobody, people, somebody, no one, police, public, us, them आदि का प्रयोग नही होता है. लेकिन जब Sentence का अर्थ स्पष्ट न हो, तो इसका प्रयोग ऑब्जेक्ट के रूप में किया जा सकता है.
Active to Passive Voice Structure Rules
Active: Subject + Verb + Object
And Passive: Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Main Verb (V3) + by + Object
Passive Voice के Helping Verb, Subject एवं Object
Active से Passive बनाने के लिए बहुत सारे Rules का पालन करना पड़ता है. जिसे जल्दी याद करना संभव नही होता है. लेकिन यहाँ सभी आवश्यक Subject, ऑब्जेक्ट, Modal Verb Rules, Tense के Rules आदि को दर्शाया गया है. इसके मदद से आप एक्टिव एंड पैसिव वौइस् को बेहद की कम समय में बना सकते है. Active Passive Voice Rules in Hindi के माध्यम से वाक्यों का अनुसार सरलता से किया जाता है. अतः निम्न रूल्स पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करे.
Tense Rules in Active and Passive Voice in Hindi
Tense Rules | Active Voice Verbs | Passive Voice Verbs |
Present Indefinite | do / does | is / am / are |
Present Continuous | is / am / are | is being / are being / am being |
Present Perfect | have / has | have been / has been |
Past Indefinite | did | was / were |
Past Continuous | was / were | was being / were being |
Past Perfect | had | had been |
Future Indefinite | shall / will | shall be / will be |
Future Perfect | shall have / will have | shall have been / will have been |
Tense का Passive Voice के लिए Active Voice के क्रियाओं यानि Verbs में दिए गए Table के अनुसार बदलाव किया जाता है.
Change of Modal Auxiliary Verb in Passive Voice
Active Voice | Passive Voice + V3 |
is to / am to / are to | is to be / am to be / are to be |
was to / were to | was to be / were to be |
have to / has to | have to be / has to be |
had to | had to be |
will have to / shall have to | will have to be / shall have to be |
can | can be |
could | could be |
May | may be |
might | might be |
will | will be |
Would | would be |
shall | shall be |
should | should be |
must | must be |
ought | ought be |
can have | can have been |
could have | could have been |
may have | may have been |
might have | might have been |
will have | will have been |
would have | would have been |
shall have | shall have been |
should have | should have been |
must have | must have been |
ought have | ought have been |
Modals Verb Passive Voice के दृष्टि से बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है. अतः Voice बनाते समय क्रिया को ऊपर दिए Table के अनुसार Change करे.
Passive Voice में Subject से Object में Change
Active Subject | Passive Object |
I | by me |
We | by us |
You | by you |
He | by him |
She | by her |
They | by them |
It | by It |
Proper Noun Name | by proper noun name |
Proper Noun का प्रयोग जब subject के रूप में होता है, तब यह Nominative Case में होता है और जब इसका प्रयोग Object के रूप में होता है तब यह Objective Case में रहता है.
सभी Tenses का Passive Voice बनाने के नियम
बोर्ड एग्जाम और प्रतियोगिता एग्जाम दोनों में Active Voice and Passive Voice in Hindi से प्रश्न पूछा है जिसमे Tense शामिल होते है. इसलिए, Tense के passive Voice का अध्ययन आवश्यक है.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Future Imperfect Tense और Future Perfect Continuous Tense का Passive Voice नही बनता है.
इन सभी Tenses का Voice होता है लेकिन प्रयोग कही नही होता है. इसलिए, इसका Voice नही बनाया जाता है.
Tense की तरह ही Passive Voice को चार प्रकार से बनाया जाता है.
- Affirmative Sentence
- Negative Sentence
- Interrogative Sentence
- Negative Interrogative Sentence
यहाँ सभी Tenses का Passive Voice बनाना नियमानुसार सीखेगे जिसमे विशेष Rules और Tricks भी सामिल होंगे.
Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi
ऊपर दिए गए सभी Rules का प्रयोग Present Indefinite Tense के Active and Passive Voice में करेंगे. जो अनुवाद करने एवं Active से Passive Voice बनाने में मदद करते है.
इस टेंस में बेसिक से एडवांस तक के सभी Rules शामिल है जो किसी भी वाक्य को Passive Voice में Transform करने में मदद करता है.
Active Voice Structure: Subject + Verb + Object
Passive Voice Sentences | Structure |
Affirmative Sentence | Object + is / am / are + V3 + by + Subject |
Negative Sentence | Object + is / am / are + not + V3 + by + Subject |
Interrogative Sentence | WH-Words + is / am / are + O + V3 + by + S + ? |
Negative Interrogative Sentence | WH-Words + is / am / are + O + not + V3 + by + S + ? |
1. Passive Voice में is / are के बाद Verb हमेशा past Participle में होता है. जैसे;
- A boy is taught. लड़का पढ़ाया जाता है.
- Boys are taught. लड़के पढ़ाए जाते है.
2. जब किसी वाक्य में Noun + के द्वारा रहे, तो उसका अनुवाद by + Noun होता है. जैसे;
- A boy is taught by a teacher. लड़का शिक्षक के द्वारा पढ़ाया जाता है.
- A book is written by an author. किताब लेखक के द्वारा लिखी जाती है.
Affirmative Active Voice | Passive Voice |
Children like sweets. | Sweets are liked by children. |
I sing a song daily. | A song is sung by me daily. |
She feeds me toffee daily. | I am fed toffee by her daily. |
We respect him. | He is is respected. (by me… optional) |
They love me. | I am loved by them. |
Negative Active Voice | Passive Voice |
I do not agree with him. | He is not agreed with by me. |
She does not love me. | I am not loved by her. |
They do not eat apples. | Apples are not eaten by them. |
We do not help you. | You are not helped by us. |
I do not write a letter. | A letter is not written by me. |
Interrogative | Passive |
Do I help you? | Are you helped by me? |
Do he eat apple? | Is an apple eaten by him? |
Who love you most? | By whom are you loved most? |
Where do you teach him? | Where is he taught by you? |
How do you know her? | How is she known to you? |
Negative Interrogative | Passive |
De we not help you? | Are you not helped by us? |
Does she not love me? | Am I not loved by her? |
Why do you insult the poor? | Why are the poor insulted by you? |
Who tells you all these things? | By whom are you told all these things? |
Where do you see him? | Where is he seen by you? |
Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense
दिए गए Active Voice को Present Continuous Tense के रूप में Passive Voice बनाने के लिए Subject को Object में तथा Verb के third form का प्रयोग होता है. और Helping Verb का प्रयोग Subject के Number और Person के अनुसार किया जाता है.
Present Continuous Tense के Passive Voice के वाक्यों से किसी कार्य का वर्तमान समय में होना प्रतीत होता है. जिसे निम्न नियम के अनुसार अनुवाद करते है.
Affirmative Active Voice Rule: S + is / am / are + V4 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + is / am / are + being + V3 + by + O |
He is calling me. | I am being called by him. |
Vipasha is teaching me English. | I am being taught English by Vipasha. |
The students is watching the match. | The match is being watched by the students. |
Pooja is answering the question. | The question is being answered by Pooja. |
They are picking the flowers. | The flowers are being picked by them. |
Negative Active Voice Rule: S + is / am / are + not + V4 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + is / am / are + not + being + V3 + by + O |
I am not drawing the picture. | The picture is not being drawn by me. |
He is not reading English. | English is not being read by him. |
Everyone is not singing a song. | A song is not being sung. |
Somebody is not teasing him. | He is not being teased. |
You are not cheating them. | They are not being cheated by you. |
Interrogative Active Voice Rule: WH + is / am / are + S + V4 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + is / am / are + S + being + V3 + by + O + ? |
Is your friend reading a news paper? | Is a news paper being read by your friend? |
Are you beating him? | Is he being beaten by you? |
Who is teaching grammar in your class? | By whom is grammar being taught in your class? |
What are you thinking? | What is being thought by you? |
Why am I learning new words? | Why are new words being learned by me? |
Negative Interrogative Rule: WH + is / am / are + not + S + V4 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + is / am / are + S + not + being + V3 + by + O + ? |
Is he not solving your problem? | Is your problem not being solved by him? |
Is anybody not helping me? | Am I not being helped? |
Who is not respecting the teachers. | By whom are the teacher not being respected? |
Why are you not doing this? | Why is this not being done by you? |
Why are you not returning my books? | Why are my books not being returned by you? |
Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense के वाक्यों का Passive Voice बनाने के लिए have / has को Have been / has been में बदला जाता है. Subject के Number और Person के अनुसार has been और have been का प्रयोग होता है. और निम्नलिखित Rules के अनुसार Active से Passive Voice में बदला जाता है.
इस Tense के Passive Voice के वाक्यों से किसी कार्य का वर्तमान समय में समाप्त होना प्रतीत होता है. और इसकी बनावट निम्न प्रकार होती है.
Affirmative Rule: S + have / has + V3 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + have / has + been + V3 + by + S |
Somebody has already warned him. | He has already been warned. |
They have done their homework. | Their homework has been done. |
We have helped you. | You have been helped by us. |
He has loved me. | I have been loved by him. |
I have told a lie. | A lie has been told by me. |
Negative Sentence Rule: S + have / has + not + V3 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + have / has + not + been + V3 + by + S |
You have not eaten curd. | Curd has not been eaten by you. |
He has not washed the plates. | The plates have not been washed by him. |
They have not cut all telephone wires. | All telephone wires have not been cut. |
Some has not stolen my watch. | My has not been stolen. |
He has not taken breakfast. | Breakfast has not been taken by him. |
Interrogative Sentence Rule: WH + have / has + S + V3 + O +? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + have / has + O + been + V3 + by + S +? |
Have I written a book? | Has a book been written by me? |
Has the teacher beaten you? | Have you been beaten by the teacher? |
Why have you returned my books? | Why have my books been returned by you? |
Whom have you obliged? | Who has been obliged by you? |
How much rich have we exported? | How much rice has been exported? |
Negative Interrogative Sentence Rule: WH + have / has + not + S + V3 + O +? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + have / has + O + not + been + V3 + by + S +? |
Have I not written a book? | Has a book not been written by me? |
Has the teacher not beaten you? | Have you not been beaten by the teacher? |
Why have you not returned my books? | Why have my books not been returned by you? |
Whom have you not obliged? | Who has not been obliged by you? |
How much rich have we not exported? | How much rice has not been exported? |
Passive Voice of past Indefinite Tense
Past Indefinite Tense का Passive Voice बनाने के लिए Subject को Object में तथा Verb के Second Form को V3 और Object को Subject में बदला जाता है. यदि वाक्य में Did उपलब्ध हो, तो उसे Subject के अनुसार Was / Were में बदलें.
Affirmative Rule: S + V2 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + was / were + V3 + by + S |
He stolen my book. | My book was stolen by him. |
Manish spoke the truth. | The truth was spoken by Manish. |
Dinkar wrote this poem. | This poem was written by Dinkar. |
He knew me. | I was known to him. |
You killed the snake. | The Snake was killed by you. |
Negative Rule: S + did + not + V1 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + was / were + not + V3 + by + S |
He did not steal my book. | My book was not stolen by him. |
Manish did not speak the truth. | The truth was not spoken by Manish. |
Dinkar did not write this poem. | This poem was not written by Dinkar. |
He did not know me. | I was not known to him. |
You did not kill the snake. | The Snake was not killed by you. |
Interrogative Sentence Rule: WH + did + S + V1 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH+ was / were + O + V3 + by + S +? |
Did they abuse you? | Were you abused by them? |
Did she love me? | Was I loved by her? |
What did you do? | What was done by you? |
Who supported you? | By whom were you supported? |
Why did you cheat your friend? | Why was your friend cheated by you? |
Negative Interrogative Sentence Rule: WH + did + S + not + V1 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH+ was / were + O + not + V3 + by + S +? |
Did they not abuse you? | Were you not abused by them? |
Did she not love me? | Was I not loved by her? |
What did you not do? | What was not done by you? |
Whom did you not oblige? | Who was not obliged by you? |
Why did you not cheat your friend? | Why was your friend not cheated by you? |
Passive voice of Past Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense में कोई कार्य जारी रहता है. इसलिए इसे Active to Passive Voice बनाने के लिए Helping Verb के बाद “being” का प्रयोग किया जाता है. Was और Were को Subject के Number और Person के अनुसार वाक्य में रखा जाता है.
अर्थात, Pronoun एवं noun के अनुसार was / were का प्रयोग करे.
Active Affirmative Rule: S + was / were + V4 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + was / were + being + V3 + by + S |
He was reading a book. | A book was being read by him. |
We were playing cricket. | Cricket was being played by us. |
Someone was reading Ramayana. | Ramayana was being read. |
She was writing a letter to her husband. | A letter was being written by her to her husband. |
He was calling you. | You were being called by him. |
Negative Rule: S + was / were + not + V4 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + was / were + not + being + V3 + by + S |
He was not reading a book. | A book was not being read by him. |
We were not playing cricket. | Cricket was not being played by us. |
Someone was not reading Ramayana. | Ramayana was not being read. |
She was not writing a letter to her husband. | A letter was not being written by her to her husband. |
He was not calling you. | You were not being called by him. |
Interrogative Rule: WH + was / were + S + V4 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + was / were + O + being + V3 + by + S + ? |
Was she making tea? | Was tea being made by her? |
Were we helping you? | Were you being helped by us? |
Whom were you teaching? | Who was being taught by you? |
What type of job was he doing? | What type of job was being done by him? |
Why was she looking at you? | Why were you being looked at by her? |
Negative Interrogative Rule: WH + was / were + S + not + V4 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + was / were + O + not + being + V3 + by + S + ? |
Was she not making tea? | Was tea not being made by her? |
Were we not helping you? | Were you not being helped by us? |
Whom were you not teaching? | Who was not being taught by you? |
What type of job was he not doing? | What type of job was not being done by him? |
Why was she not looking at you? | Why were you not being looked at by her? |
Passive voice of Past Perfect Tense
दरअसल, Past Perfect Tense के वाक्यों को Active से Passive Voice बनाने के लिए Had को Had been में बदला जाता है. सभी Subject के साथ Had का ही प्रयोग होता है.
शेष के लिए निम्न नियम का Follow करे.
Affirmative Sentence Rule: S + had + V3 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + had + been + V3 + by + S |
I had read this book. | This book had been read by me. |
My father had already got this information. | This information had already been got by my father. |
He has lost this book. | This book had been lost by him. |
She had never told a lie. | A lie has never been told by her. |
I had written a letter. | A letter had been written by me. |
Negative Sentence Rule: S + had + not + V3 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + had + not + been + V3 + by + S |
I had not read this book. | This book had not been read by me. |
My father had not got this information. | This information had not been got by my father. |
He had not lost this book. | This book had not been lost by him. |
She had not told a lie. | A lie has not been told by her. |
I had ot written a letter. | A letter had not been written by me. |
Interrogative Sentence Rule: WH + had + S + V3 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + had + O + been + V3 + by + S + ? |
Had he taken this meal? | Had this meal been taken by him? |
Had I called him? | Had he been called by me? |
Who had killed the snake? | By whom had the snake been killed? |
Where had he hidden my ring? | Where had my ring been hidden by him? |
Whom had they consulted in this regard? | Who had been consulted in this regard? |
Negative Interrogative Sentence Rule: WH + had + S + not + V3 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + had + O + not + been + V3 + by + S + ? |
Had he not taken this meal? | Had this meal not been taken by him? |
Had I not called him? | Had he not been called by me? |
Who had not killed the snake? | By whom had the snake not been killed? |
Where had he not hidden my ring? | Where had my ring not been hidden by him? |
Whom had they not consulted in this regard? | Who had not been consulted in this regard? |
Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense
Future Indefinite Tense का Passive Voice Shall be और will be के रूप में बनाया जाता है. यह सबसे महत्वपूर्ण होता है क्योंकि भविष्यत काल में केवल और केवल दो ही टेंस का Voice होता है.
- Modern English ग्रामर में shall और will के बिच का अंतर व्यावहारिक रूप से समाप्त कर दिया गया है. Active Voice and Passive Voice in Hindi में Shall की जगह पर Will का ही प्रयोग किया जाता है.
- लेकिन Interrogative Sentences यानि WH और Yes-No वाक्य में shall और will के प्रयोग में सावधान रहने की आवश्यकता है. Interrogative Sentences में First Person ( I, We ) के साथ Shall और अन्य Subject और person के साथ Will का प्रयोग किया जाता है.
Affirmative Sentence Rule: S + Shall / Will + V1 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + shall / will + be + V3 + by + S |
I will buy a book tomorrow. | A book will be bought by me tomorrow. |
He will do this work. | This work will be done by him. |
The postman will deliver the letters. | The letters will be delivered by the postman. |
He will teach me. | I will be taught by him. |
I will catch you. | You will be caught by me. |
Negative Sentence Rule: S + Shall / Will + not + V1 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + shall / will + not + be + V3 + by + S |
I will not buy a book tomorrow. | A book will not be bought by me tomorrow. |
He will not do this work. | This work will not be done by him. |
The postman will not deliver the letters. | The letters will not be delivered by the postman. |
He will not teach me. | I will not be taught by him. |
I will not catch you. | You will not be caught by me. |
Interrogative Sentence Rule: WH + Shall / Will + S + V1 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + shall / will + O + be + V3 + by + S + ? |
Will you commit suicide? | Will suicide be committed by you? |
Shall I use your pen? | Will your pen be used by me? |
Why shall I vex him? | Why will he be vexed by me? |
How shall I answer this question? | How will this question be answered by me? |
How shall I solve this problem? | How will this problem be solved by me? |
Negative Interrogative Sentence Rule: WH + Shall / Will + S + not + V1 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + shall / will + O + not + be + V3 + by + S + ? |
Will you not commit suicide? | Will suicide not be committed by you? |
Shall I not use your pen? | Will your pen not be used by me? |
Why shall I not vex him? | Why will he not be vexed by me? |
How shall I not answer this question? | How will this question not be answered by me? |
How shall I not solve this problem? | How will this problem not be solved by me? |
Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense
Active से Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए Future Perfect Tense वाले वाक्यों में Subject के अनुसार Shall / will रखे. तथा Subject को Passive में Object बनाए और Verb की जगह third form of verb प्रयोग करे. जैसे Structure दिखाया गया है.
Affirmative Sentence Rule: S + Shall / Will + Have + V3 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + shall / will + have + been + V3 + by + S |
I will have done this work. | This work will have been done by me. |
We will have written the answer. | The answer will have been written by us. |
The police will have caught the terrorist. | The terrorist will have been caught by the police. |
They will have built the house. | The house will have been built. |
I will have helped you. | You will have been helped by me. |
Negative Sentence Rule: S + Shall / Will + not + Have + V3 + O | Passive Voice Structure: O + shall / will + not + have + been + V3 + by + S |
I will not have done this work. | This work will not have been done by me. |
We will not have written the answer. | The answer will not have been written by us. |
The police will not have caught the terrorist. | The terrorist will not have been caught by the police. |
They will not have built the house. | The house will not have been built. |
I will not have helped you. | You will not have been helped by me. |
Interrogative Sentence Rule: WH + Shall / Will + S + Have + V3 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + shall / will + O + have + been + V3 + by + S + ? |
Will you have completed the work? | Will the work have been completed by you? |
Shall we have written a letter? | Will a letter have been written by us? |
Whom will you have served? | who will have been served by you? |
Where will he have sent his son? | Where will his son have been sent by him? |
Whom will you have taught? | Who will have been taught by you? |
Interrogative Sentence Rule: WH + Shall / Will + S + not + Have + V3 + O + ? | Passive Voice Structure: WH + shall / will + O + not + have + been + V3 + by + S + ? |
Will you not have completed the work? | Will the work not have been completed by you? |
Shall we not have written a letter? | Will a letter not have been written by us? |
Whom will not you have served? | who will not have been served by you? |
Where will not he have sent his son? | Where will his son not have been sent by him? |
Whom will not you have taught? | Who will not have been taught by you? |
Special Rules for Passive Voice
Rule 1. Active Voice के कुछ वाक्यों में verb के बाद दो-दो Object रहते है. उनमे से एक Direct Object और दूसरा Indirect Object होता है. जैसे;
He gave me a book.
I bought his a shirt.
यहाँ gave और bought के बाद me / book और his / shirt दो Object है. जिसमे me और his Indirect Object और book / shirt direct object है.
ध्यान रहे: जिस Object के पहले to / for का प्रयोग हो सकता है उसे Indirect Object और जिसके पहले to / for का प्रयोग नही हो सकता है उसे Direct Object कहते है. जैसे;
He gave a book to me.
यहाँ me Direct Object है और book Indirect Object है.
Double Object वाले Verb को Active से Passive Voice में बदलते समय किसी भी Object को Subject बनाया जा सकता है. लेकिन Indirect Object को Subject बनाना ज्यादा उचित होता है.
Passive Voice of Double Object Rules:
S + be + V3 + O
S + be + V3 + to / for + O
He gave me a book. | I was given a book. or A book was given to me. |
He bought me a shirt. | I was bought a shirt. or A shirt was bought for me. |
She told me a story. | I was told me a story. or A story was told to me. |
They have given me a message. | I have been given a message. or A message has been given to me. |
Rule 2. यदि Active Voice में Verb के बाद कोई Preposition प्रयुक्त हो, तो उसे निम्न नियम से बनाया जाता है.
Rule: O + Auxiliary Verbs + V3 + Preposition + by + S
The judge enquired into the case. | The case was enquired into by the judge. |
The girls laughed at him. | He was laughed at by the girls. |
Her father is looking after her. | she is being looked after by her father. |
She was searching for her lover. | Her lover was being searched for. |
He arrived at the conclusion. | The conclusion was arrived at by him. |
Modal Auxiliaries से Passive Voice बनाने के नियम
Rule 1. जब कोई Active Voice Modal Verbs जैसे shall, will, can, could, may, might, should, would, must, ought, आदि से बना हो, तो उसका Passive Voice निम्न प्रकार से बनाया जाता है.
Rule: O + Modal Verbs + be + V3 + by + S
1. He can solve the problem.
The problem can be solved by him.
2. You must obey your father.
Your father must be obeyed by you.
3. One should keep one’s promises.
Promises should be kept.
4. You must help our friends.
Our friends must be helped by you.
5. They may win the match.
The match may be won by them.
Also Read,
should का प्रयोग | Would का प्रयोग |
Might का प्रयोग | Could का प्रयोग |
May का प्रयोग | Can का प्रयोग |
Must का प्रयोग | Dare का प्रयोग |
Rule 2. जब Active Voice, Modal Verbs + have से बना हो, तो उसे निम्न प्रकार से Passive Voice में Change किया जाता है.
Structure: O + Modal Verbs + have + been + V3 + O
1. We should have helped him.
He should have been helped by me.
2. He could have done it earlier.
It could have been done earlier by him.
3. No one could possibly have informed the police.
The police could not possibly have been informed.
4. They must have taken the stock of the situation.
The stock of the situation must have been taken.
5. He must have done that work.
That work must have been done by him.
Passive Voice of Infinitive
Rule 1. Active Voice में कुछ वाक्यों का अनुवाद S + is / am / are / was / were / have / has / had + to ( Infinitive) + V1 से होता है.
ऐसे वाक्यों के Passive Voice निम्न Structure से बनाया जाता है.
Read More: is / am / are का प्रयोग
Structure: O + is / am / are / was / were / have / has / had + to + be + V3
For Examples:
1. It is time to play cricket.
It is time for cricket to be played.
2. He is to do this work.
This work is to be done by him.
3. I have to write a letter.
A letter has to be written by him.
4. We wish you to forget this incident.
We wish this incident to be forgotten by you.
5. You had to help us.
We had to be helped by you.
Rule 2. यदि Active Voice में कोई वाक्य There + Verb + Noun + to (Infinitive) + O से बना हो, तो उसका Passive Voice निम्न प्रकार से बनाते है.
Also Read, Use of Infinitive Verbs and Rules
Structure: There + Verb + Noun (Subject) + to + be + V3
1. There is no time to lose.
There is no time to be lost.
2. There was no money to spend.
There was no money to be spent.
3. There were many people to feed.
There were many people to be fed.
4. There is no information to give.
There is no information to be given.
5. There was a lot of work to do.
There was a lot of work to be done.
Rule 3. यदि वाक्यों की बनावट Active Voice में It + Verb + Noun + to ( Infinitive ) + Object से हो, तो उसे Passive Voice में निम्न प्रकार से Change करते है.
Structure: It + Verb + Noun + for + Object + to be + Infinitive
It is time to take lunch. | It is time for lunch to be taken. |
It is time to do the work. | It is time for work to be done. |
It is a must to write this book. | It is a must for this book to be written. |
It is time to start the programme. | It is time for the programme to be started. |
It is time to speak the truth. | It is time for the truth to be spoken. |
Passive Voice of Imperative Sentences
Rule 1. जब Imperative Sentence से आदेश का भाव व्यक्त हो, तो उसे निम्न Structure से Passive Voice बनाते है.
Structure: Let + O + be + V3 + Other Words
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
Close the gate. | Let the gate be closed. |
Call him. | Let him be called. |
Open the window. | Let the window be opened. |
Bring a class of water. | Let a glass of water be brought. |
Inform the police of the accident. | Let the police be informed of the accident. |
Rule 2. जब Imperative Sentence से सलाह का भाव व्यक्त हो, तो उसका Passive Voice in Hindi निम्न प्रकार से बनाते है.
Structure: O + Should + be + Other Words
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
Respect elders. | Elders should be respected. |
Help the poor. | The poor should be helped. |
Love the country. | The country should be loved. |
Hear him now. | He should be heard now. |
Don’t be daunted by danger. | You should not be daunted by danger. |
Rule 3. जब Active Voice का Imperative Sentence, Please या Kindly से शुरू हो, तो Passive Voice बनाते समय वाक्य से Please और Kindly जैसे Words हटा दिए जाते है. ऐसे वाक्यों से अनुरोध और निवेदन का भाव व्यक्त होता है. इसलिए, इसे निम्न प्रकार के Structure से बनाया जाता है.
Structure: You are requested to + Imperative Sentence
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
Please help me. | You are requested to help me. |
Kindly fetch a chair from there. | You are requested to fetch a chair from there. |
Please don’t disturb me. | You are requested not to disturb me. |
Give me a pen, please. | You are requested to give me a pen. |
kindly teach me voice. | You are requested to teach me voice. |
Rule 4. यदि Imperative Sentence के Active Voice से जोरदार आदेश देने का भाव व्यक्त हो, तो उसे इस प्रकार बनाया जाता है.
Active Voice Structure: V1 + O + Other Words
Passive Voice Structure: You are ordered / you are advised + to + V1 + O
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
Stand up. | You are ordered to stand up. |
Go there. | You are ordered to go there. |
Work hard. | You are advised to work hard. |
Walk. | You are advised to walk. |
Go slowly. | You are ordered to go slowly. |
Passive Voice of Let
Rule 1. Imperative Sentence का Active Voice यदि “Let” से शुरू हो, तो निम्न प्रकार से Passive Voice बनाते है.
Active Voice Structure: Let + Indirect Object + V1 + Direct Object
Passive Voice Structure: Let + Direct Object + be + V3 + Indirect Object
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
Let him complete the work. | Let the work be completed by him. |
Let us discuss the matter. | Let the matter be discussed. |
Let me start the game. | Let the game be started by me. |
Let me do this work. | Let this work be done by me. |
Let her sing a song. | Let a song be sung by her. |
Rule 2. यदि Let से शुरू होने वाले वाक्यों से सलाह का भाव व्यक्त हो, तो उसे निम्न प्रकार से Passive Voice बनाएँ
Active Voice Structure: Let + us + V1
Passive Voice Structure: It is suggested that + we + should + V1
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
Let us work together. | It is suggested that we should work together. |
Let us swin. | It is suggested that we should swin. |
Let us play. | It is suggested that we should play. |
Let us sing. | It is suggested that we should sing. |
Let us complete the homework. | It is suggested that we should complete the homework. |
Passive Voice Sentences in Hindi
हिंदी में कुछ ऐसे वाक्य है जिसकी क्रियाएँ Active Voice में होती है. लेकिन उसका अनुवाद Passive Voice में होता है.
घोड़े सब जगह मिलते है. | Horses are found everywhere. |
यह सबको मालूम है. | It is known to everybody. |
उसका जन्म 1993 में हुआ. | He was born in 1993. |
मेरा विवाह 2021 में हुआ. | I was married in 2021. |
उसे सजा मिलेगी. | He will be punished. |
बहुत लोगो को चोटें आई. | A lot of people were injured. |
मेरा बैग खो गया. | My bag was lost. |
उसे शराब पिने की आदत है. | He is addicted to drinking. |
माकन किराए पर लगा है. | The house has been let out. |
इस घर में ताला लगा है. | The house is locked. |
कुछ छात्रों को मार लगी. | Some students were assaulted. |
इस पुस्तक के पन्ने फटे है. | The pages of this book are torn. |
उसके सिर पर पट्टी बंधी है. | His head is bandaged. |
ये प्याले फूटे है. | The cups are broken. |
ये बसे ठसाठस भरी है. | These buses are overcrowded. |
उसका नाम कॉलेज से कट गया है. | His name has been struck off the college rolls. |
एक सभा होगी, हुई. | A meeting was held/will be held. |